
Our catalogue presents individual translations of classical works derived from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. These encompass prayers, practices, and commentaries that are conveniently available for download in PDF format.
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Buddha's Teachings

Buddha Shakyamuni

A Section of the Vajrakilaya Root Tantra

The Vajrakilaya Root Tantra Section (or Fragment) (Toh. 439), the remains of a much larger Vajrakilaya tantra, was discovered and translated into Tibetan by the renowned Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen...
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Chanting the Names of Noble Mañjushri

Commonly known as simply the Namasangiti, this is one of the most highly revered tantras throughout all lineages and practice systems of Vajrayana Buddhism. In it, Buddha Shakyamuni teaches Vajrapani...
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Maitreya’s Aspiration

In the sutra "The Question of Maitreya" (Toh. 85, Maitreya­paripriccha, Jampa Zhupa), Buddha Shakyamuni recounts this prayer that Maitreya made as a bodhisattva aspiring to accomplish the six perfections and...
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The ‘Chinese’ Practice of Averting Periodic Obstacles

This dharani, which is part of the larger corpus of texts on astrology (naktsi) taught by Mañjushri in China, begins with an invocation of the buddhas and bodhisattvas and then...
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The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Downfalls (Nyingma Version)

A popular Nyingma version of the famous "Bodhisattvas’ Confession of Downfalls" (Jangchup Sempe Tungshak), also known as the "Sutra of the Three Heaps" (Phungpo Sumpe Do), invoking the thirty-five buddhas...
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The Dharani “Vanquishing Constraints of Body, Speech and Mind”

As its name suggests, this brief incantation (dharani) is intended to liberate the one who recites or uses it as a chakra from all physical, vocal and mental constraints, including...
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The Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claw

Vajranakhi (Dorje Dermo), 'Vajra Claw', is a wrathful dakini whose mantra has a long history and can be found in various forms in, e.g., the Guhyasamaja, Vajravarahi, and Vajrakila traditions....
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The Dharani, The Essence of Amoghapasha

This version (Toh. 683) of the Amoghasha dharani originates from the sutra of the same name (Toh. 682) but diverges in certain ways from its source. Not only does it...
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The Noble Dharani of The Supreme Accomplishment of Sitatapatra Born from the Tathagata’s Ushnisa, the Great Invincible Dispeller

This popular canonical work, which is included in the Kangyur (Toh. 591), teaches the incantation (dharani) and rituals associated with the goddess Sitatapatra, who is renowned for her power to...
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The Noble Incantation entitled ‘The Rituals for the Blue-Clad Vajrapani’

A popular text (Toh. 748) teaching the incantation (dharani) and rituals associated with the Blue-Clad (nilambaradhara) form of the deity Vajrapani. According to Karmavajra’s commentary (Toh. 2676), the dharani is...
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The Noble Mahayana Sutra The Wisdom of the Hour of Death

In response to a question from the bodhisattva Akashagarbha, the Buddha explains how a bodhisattva should view the mind at the moment of death. It is important, the Buddha says,...
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The Noble Marici Dharani

This popular canonical work (Toh. 564) reveals the incantation (dharani) associated with Marici, goddess of the dawn, and explains how it confers the deity's qualities and guards against adversity, danger...
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The Noble Sutra Teaching the Eleven Perceptions

In this sutra (Toh. 311) the Buddha teaches eleven perceptions to be cultivated at the time of death to the assembled monks as his final testament.
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The Noble Vasudhara Dharani

This popular canonical work (Toh. 662) teaches the incantation (dharani) and rituals associated with the goddess Vasudhara. According to the text, the dharani grants prosperity and wealth and averts spirits,...
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The Perfection of Wisdom, Mother of All Tathagatas, ‘In One Syllable’

In this (Toh. 23), the shortest of the Prajñaparamita or Perfection of Wisdom sutras, the Buddha teaches the syllable ‘A’, which encapsulates the transcendent perfection of wisdom and all the...
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The Praise to Tara with Twenty-One Verses of Homage and The Excellent Benefits of Reciting the Praise

Perhaps the most popular of all prayers to Tara, this tantra praises her twenty-one forms, both peaceful and wrathful. The first twenty-one verses are at once a series of homages...
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The Song of the Vajra

This famous vajra song (dorje lu), named after its initial syllables "ema kiri", appears in the "Tantra of the Union of the Sun and Moon" ("Nyi Da Khajor"). It consists...
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The Vajravidarana Dharani

Vajravidāraṇa (Dorje Namjom) is a semi-wrathful form of Vajrapani and the deity’s dharani (zung), counted as a kriya-tantra, is known for its healing and purifying effect. The dharani has inspired...
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Indian Masters

Arya Atisha

Heart Treasure for the Warriors Who Long for Liberation

Arya Atisha Dipamkara Srijñana imparted this advice to his disciples at the request of Lha Changchub Ö as he was preparing to return to India. In it, he offers basic...
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The Twenty-One Supreme Aspects of the Path

In response to a question from his heart-disciples Tsöndrü Yungdrung, Ngok Lekpé Sherab, and Dromtön Gyalwé Jungné, Jowo Atiśa outlines the core principles of mind training or lojong in twenty-one...
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Arya Buddhagupta

An Extensive Commentary on the Four Immeasurables

A brief guide to cultivating immeasurable loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity; it is attributed to the Indian master Arya Buddhagupta and included within the Tengyur (Toh. 3914).
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Arya Matricheta

Ornamented with Precious Names, In Praise of the Thirty-Five Sugatas

A poetic eulogy (Toh. 1142) that extols the thirty-five Buddhas who feature in confession practices such as the Bodhisattvas’ Confession of Downfalls (Jangchup Sempé Tungshak), also known as the Sutra...
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Arya Nagarjuna

In Praise of the Stupas at the Eight Great Sacred Places (1)

This text (Toh. 1133) is the longer of Arya Nagarjuna’s two short eulogies praising the stupas at the eight great sacred places commemorating significant events in the life of the...
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In Praise of the Stupas at the Eight Great Sacred Places (2)

This text (Toh. 1134) is the shorter of Arya Nagarjuna’s two short eulogies praising the stūpas at the eight great sacred places commemorating significant events in the life of the...
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Arya Shantigarbha

A Praise to the Lotus King

This four-line praise may be the earliest prayer to Padmasambhava preserved in writing. It forms the colophon of the Noose of Methods (IOL Tib J 321, Tapshag, or Upayapasha), a...
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Arya Shri Simha

Unravelling Mantra’s Meaning in The Heart of Wisdom Sutra

This short commentary (Toh. 4353) on the secret mantra or tantric meaning of the famous Heart Sutra is attributed to the Atiyoga teacher Arya Shri Simha. According to the colophon,...
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Tibetan Masters

Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje

A Concise Explanation of the Feast-Gathering

This commentary by Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje (1895–1969) presents a clear Nyingma perspective on the practice of the feast-gathering (ganacakra; tsok). The text does not refer to a particular sadhana,...
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Changdak Tashi Tobgyal

A Stream of Blessing: Verses of Supplication to the Accomplished Holders of Mantra who Gained Realization in this Snowy Land of Tibet

A well-known prayer to Guru Rinpoche's foremost disciples, the king Trisong Detsen and twenty-five of his subjects.
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Chöjé Lingpa

The New Glorious Bestower of Immortality

This long-life practice (tsedrup) and empowerment (tsewang) of Thangtong Gyalpo (1361–1485?) is said to bring together the oral, treasure and visionary teachings. It combines Thangtong Gyalpo's original Glorious Bestower of...
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The Sadhana and Empowerment for the Extremely Close Lineage of the Long-Life Practice that Unites the Oral, Treasure and Visionary Teachings

This pith instruction for accomplishing longevity (tsedrup) through Thangtong Gyalpo (1361–1485?) is said to bring together the oral, treasure and visionary teachings. According to its colophon, Chöjé Lingpa received the...
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Chokling Tersé Tulku

Cloud-Banks of the Two Accumulations: A Feast Offering Including the Six Vajra Lines Prayer to Be Practiced with Any Guru Sadhana

This short feast-offering liturgy incorporates the Prayer in Six Vajra Lines (Dü Sum Sangyé) and can be used in connection with any guru sadhana.
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Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima

Garland of Night-Blooming Water Lilies: A Commentary on the Guru Siddhi Mantra by Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima

This profound explanation of the individual syllables of Guru Padmasambhava's famous Vajra-Guru Mantra is written in colloquial language that is concise and easy to understand. The text is explicitly aimed...
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Eighth Gyalwang Karmapa Mingyur Dorje

Averting Negativity through Simhamukha, the Lion-Faced Dakini

A short practice of the lion-faced dakini, Simhamukha (Seng Dongma), who is associated with the elimination of adversity, threats and danger.
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Fifteenth Gyalwang Karmapa Khakyab Dorje

A Prayer to Khandro Yeshé Tsogyal

A short prayer invoking Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal in order to dispel obstacles and fulfill wishes.
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Amrita Offering for The Guru’s Heart-Practice, Wish-Fulfilling

A brief rite of amrita or 'medicinal nectar' offering (men chö) to accompany The Guru’s Heart Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (Tukdrup Yizhin Norbu) revelation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Chokgyur Dechen...
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Gönpo Tseten Rinpoche

A Bouquet of Udumbara Flowers: An Explanation of the Tenth Day

Gönpo Tseten Rinpoche wrote this explanation of the significance of the Tenth Day (or Guru Rinpoche Day) of each lunar month for his American students, in California in 1981. He...
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Guru Chökyi Wangchuk

Meeting the Buddha Face to Face: A Pith Instruction on Realizing the Fortress, Ravine, and View of the Practice of Vajrakilaya

This pith instruction on how to accomplish Vajrakilaya was given by Guru Padmasambhava to his closest disciple Khandro Yeshé Tsogyal. Following the Atiyoga approach, the text comments on the oft-quoted...
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The Dharanis That Encapsulate the Essence of the Kangyur, the Collected Words of the Buddha revealed by Guru Chökyi Wangchuk

A collection of brief dharanis that are said to encapsulate the essence of the entire Kangyur, or Collected Words of the Buddha, and serve as a powerful means of purification...
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His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lopsang Gyatso

Cloud Banks of Blessings: A Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava

The Great Fifth Dalai Lama wrote this prayer to Guru Padmasambhava in his eight manifestations, calling upon him to remember his pledge to Tibet and its people, for recitation on...
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His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tendzin Gyatso

Verses of Aspiration for the Swift Return of Tsikey Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje

A two-verse aspiration for the swift reincarnation of Kyapjé Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche, Mingyur Dewey Dorje (1953–2020).
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Jamgön Amnye Zhab Ngawang Kunga Sönam

The Swift Fulfillment of All Wishes (Sampa Nyur Drupma): A Prayer to Master Padmasambhava

Jamgön Amnye Zhab Ngawang Kunga Sönam composed this supplication to Guru Padmasambhava for the swift fulfillment of all wishes in 1641, when war and chaos were afflicting the regions of...
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Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye

A Garland of Vajra Gems: The Life and Liberation of the Guru

This epic of Guru Padmasambhava, as recorded by Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, was revealed by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye as a “siddhi”. The text consists of ten short chapters, each related...
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Calling the Guru From Afar: A Prayer to Pierce the Heart with Devotion

This popular song of devotion composed by the celebrated Rimé (ecumenical) master Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé has two parts: the first an invocation of the great holders of various lineages,...
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Cloud-Banks of Everything Desirable

This practice of smoke (sang) offering to supplement The Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice (Nordrup Rinchen Bumzang) from the Chokling Tersar was composed at Chokgyur Lingpa's request.
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Extracting the Essence of Immortality

Extracting the Essence of Immortality (Tukdrup Tsepamé) constitutes the Dharmakaya practice from the Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles (Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel). The sadhana is a powerful method...
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Liberation Through Training in the Realm of Amitabha, Boundless Light

This concise ritual for cultivating the pure realm of Amitabha was arranged by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye based on Chokgyur Lingpa’s Amitabha sadhana from the "Essence Manual of Oral Instructions"...
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Music to Adorn the Illusory Display: A Concise Explanation of the Nature of the Feast Offering

This description of ganacakra, preserved in The Treasury of Extensive Teachings (Gyachen Kadzö), presents a clear Nyingma perspective on the practice of ganacakra. The text does not refer to any...
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Song of the Illusory Display: The Lineage Prayer for the Heart-Essence of the Deathless Lake-Born Vajra

Supplication to the lineage of Tsokyé Nyingtik, the secret practice among the Chokling Tersar’s Four Cycles of Guru Yoga (Ladrup Khorzhi).
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Splendid Treasure of Twofold Accomplishment: The Lineage Prayer for The Guru’s Heart Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé composed this lineage prayer for The Guru’s Heart Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (Tukdrup Yizhin Norbu) while residing at his famous retreat center of Tsadra Rinchen Drak.
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The Essence of Benefit and Happiness: A Method for Saving Lives

This simple practice of 'freeing lives' (tsetar), which is included in the Rinchen Terdzö, was arranged by Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche, who drew mainly upon The Innermost Secret, Unsurpassed Longevity Practice...
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The Life and Liberation of Padmakara, the Second Buddha from A Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli

The biography featured here is extracted from Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé’s A Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli, part of his Treasury of Precious Termas (Rinchen Terdzö). This collection includes life...
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The Tambura’s Yearning Song of Devotion: A Prayer Summarizing Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal’s Life and Liberation

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye composed this beautiful prayer summarizing Trinle Drodul Lerap Dewa Tsel’s famous terma biography of Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal in 1893 at the request of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo...
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Wellspring of Bounty for the Fortunate: A Guru Yoga of the Three Family Lords

A guru yoga featuring the three great nonsectarian masters Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé as embodiments of the Lords of the Three Families—Avalokiteshvara,...
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Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche

Brief Offering Prayer to Mahadeva and Consort

A four-line prayer to accompany offerings to Mahadeva and consort, the protectors associated with the activity of magnetizing.
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Gentle Splendor: Praises to the Great Abbot Shantarakshita

This praise to the Abbot Shantarakshita is part of a set of three praises commemorating the lives of the so-called Abbot, Master and Dharma-King (Khen Lob Chö Sum), i.e., Shantarakshita,...
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Light Offering Prayer

A short prayer of aspiration to accompany the offering of a butter lamp (mar me).
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Snowy Lands: Praises to the Great Dharma Emperor Trisong Detsen

This praise to the Emperor Trisong Detsen is part of a set of three praises commemorating the lives of the so-called Abbot, Master and Dharma-King (Khen Lob Chö Sum), i.e.,...
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The Glorious Gift of Longevity and Granting All Desires: A Liturgy for Saving Lives

A simple practice of 'freeing lives' (tshe thar) composed by Mipham Rinpoche in 1897.
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The Mantra Collection that Incinerates All the Diseases of this Kaliyuga

This collection of secret mantras, compiled by Mipham Rinpoche in 1898, is said to be especially powerful in overcoming the various forms of disease and harmful influence prevalent in the...
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The Three Kayas: Praises to the Great Master Padmasambhava

This praise to the Master Padmasambhava is part of a set of three praises commemorating the lives of the so-called Abbot, Master and Dharma-King (Khen Lob Chö Sum), i.e., Abbot...
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Jampal Dewe Nyima

The Meaning of the Six Syllables of the King of Vidya-Mantras, the Heroic Lord Manjushri

A commentary on the famous six-syllable mantra of Manjushri (om arapacana dhih), relating each mantra syllable to aspects of generation stage (kyerim), completion stage (dzogrim) and Great Perfection (Dzogchen) practice.
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Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

A Beautiful and Wondrous Udumbara Garland: A Supplication and Summary of the Chronicles of Padma, The Life and Liberation of the Precious Guru of Uddiyana by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

This prayer beautifully summarizes the Padma Kathang (The Chronicles of Padma), one of the most famous and influential of Guru Padmasambhava's many biographies. It reveals how Guru Rinpoche manifests in...
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A Concise Ritual for the Kings’ Posts

A concise ritual invoking the Four Great Kings (Gyalchen Dezhi), who are the guardians of the four directions, when establishing and dissolving retreat boundaries.
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A History of the ‘Display of Awakened Activity’ Samaya Substances That Liberate Upon Taste and the Two ‘Representative’ Statues That Liberate Upon Sight

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo explains the history and benefits of some sacred substances and two statues of Guru Padmasambhava—the 'representative' (kutsap) images known as Tukjé Ötro and Ngödrup Palbar—that were revealed...
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Advice by a Deathless Siddha: An Extremely Concise Daily Practice Uniting the Short Lineages of Amitayus and Hayagriva

This concise instruction for accomplishing longevity (tsedrup) is said to be an abridgment of Thangtong Gyalpo's (1361–1485?) original sadhana. According to the colophon, Khyentse Wangpo composed the practice in a...
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Increasing Life and Vitality: A Practice for Freeing Lives

This popular liturgy for saving the lives of animals includes practices of taking refuge and generating bodhicitta, as well as the recitation of mantras and dharanis, visualization, and prayers of...
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Moonlight of Pacifying Amrita: A Daily Visualization and Recitation for the Dispeller of All Samaya Corruptions and Pollutions

A practice of Damdrip Nyepa Künsel —which derives from the revelations of Trengpo Sherab Özer (1518–1584)—based on the deity Ucchusma (Metseg), with added preliminary and concluding sections and further instructions...
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Music to Delight the Dakini: A Praise to the Deathless Mandarava

Verses in praise of the eighth-century dakini Lhacham Mandarava, one of the principal consorts of Guru Padmasambhava.
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Net of the Illusory Display: The Root Sadhana from the Heart-Essence of the Deathless Lake-Born Vajra

In 1848, at the age of twenty-eight, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo had a vision in which he was blessed by Guru Rinpoche, who then dissolved into his heart. As a result,...
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Prayer to Khyentse Wangpo, Kongtrul and Chokgyur Lingpa

Verses of supplication to Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, which Khyentse Wangpo composed at Jamgön Kongtrul's behest.
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The Breeze That Carries the Auspicious Melody: Replies to Questions Arising from the Life Story of the Great Treasure-Revealer, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

This commentary to Jamgön Kongtrul’s biographical prayer to Chokgyur Lingpa, The Melody of the Auspicious Spiralled Conch, discusses the great tertön's life and legacy, celebrating, in particular, his terma revelations...
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The Chariot Bound for Sukhavati, the Blissful Realm: The Liturgy for Cultivating Buddha Amitabha’s Pure Realm

According to the colophon, this elaborate ritual for cultivating the pure realm of Amitabha was compiled by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo at the passing of Chokgyur Lingpa’s mother, Tsering Yangtso. Taking...
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The Essence of Accomplishment: A Concise Feast-Offering to Noble Tara

This short Tara feast-offering was composed for practitioners who wish to offer a simple ganacakra feast within a Tara sadhana, such as the Zabtik Drolchok.
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The Essence of Chintamani: A Daily Practice of the Great Compassionate One, Wish-fulfilling Wheel

A daily practice of the Great Compassionate One, Wish-fulfilling Wheel (Tukje Chenpo Yizhin Khorlo), a yidam practice which Chokgyur Lingpa revealed at Yegyel Namkha Dzö in 1856.
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The Fulfiller of All Wishes, the Ritual Manual from The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Guru Heart-Practice

The longer sadhana, or ritual manual (lejang), for the The Guru’s Heart-Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (Tukdrup Yizhin Norbu), which was jointly revealed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa at...
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The History of the Hearing Lineage of the Profound and Secret Practice of Simhamukha

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo recounts the origin of the teachings of Simhamukha and how they have been subsequently passed down to him. He closely follows the story associated with the lineage...
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Jetsün Drakpa Gyaltsen

An Outline of The Praise to Tara with Twenty-One Verses of Homage

A simple outline identifying the main features of each verse in the famous, widely-chanted liturgy known as Praise to Tara with Twenty-One Verses of Homage.
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Brilliant Rays of Light: A Commentary on the Praise to Tara

Jetsün Drakpa Gyaltsen's influential, word-by-word commentary to the popular Praise to Tara with Twenty-One Verses of Homage.
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Karma Chakme

Extensive Instructions on the Transference of Consciousness to the Land of Great Bliss

This famous commentary on the 'transference of consciousness' (Tib. phowa; Skt. samkranti/utkranti) describes the various forms of the practice in general and the specific details of the Namchö transference in...
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The Profound Cure (Zapchema)

A simple visualization and mantra practice for Medicine Buddha, otherwise known as Bhaishajya-Guru, Master of Medicine.
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The Swift Steed of Garuda, King of Birds: An Instruction for Traveling to Sukhavati: A Visualization and Recitation of Ushnisa-Sitatapatra

To practice this short sadhana of the deity Sitatapatra (Dukkar, “White Parasol”) is, in the words of the text itself, "to hold aloft an indestructible vajra sword that can avert...
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Karme Khenpo Rinchen Dargye

Gathering the Siddhis of Fortune

A fulfillment offering (kongwa) liturgy for the Chokling Tersar cycle of Lama Norlha known as The Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice (Nordrup Rinchen Bumzang).
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The Heart of the Matter

A lineage supplication for the Chokling Tersar cycle focusing on Lama Norlha known as The Excellent Vase of Jewels Wealth Practice (Nordrup Rinchen Bumzang).
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Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal

A Prayer of Aspiration for the Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory

This aspiration for rebirth in Zangdok Palri, the Copper-Colored Mountain, has originally been composed by Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal. Some suggest that it was later revealed by Pema Lingpa, but its...
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Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

Upon Arriving at Yangleshö

Composed at the cave of Yangleshö in Nepal, this spontaneous song praises the power of this sacred site, a place where Guru Padmasambhava once meditated and gained accomplishment, while also...
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Khenpo Gyaltsen

A Lamp Illuminating the Path to Liberation

A Lamp Illuminating the Path to Liberation explains many fundamental points of Buddhadharma in a structured and simple way. It also elaborates on many practical aspects of Dharma, such as...
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Künkhyen Pema Karpo

A Casket of Sacred Dharma: Stages of Meditation on Dependent Arising

Belonging to the set of instructions known as the Seven Excellent Interdependent Connections (Tendrel Rapdünma), this text by the great Kagyü teacher Pema Karpo (1527–1592) explains meditative equipoise, which is...
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Kyapje Chatral Rinpoche

A Guide to Uddiyana (Ujjain), Benglor

In this brief guide to Ujjain, most likely part of a personal pilgrimage diary, Kyapjé Chatral Rinpoche repeatedly refers to the city as Uddiyana. Ujjain is home to the Mahakaleshwar...
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A Profound and Concise Guru Yoga

A short yet profound guru yoga composed at the insistence of close students and which is still recited daily by many disciples. The practice incorporates a unique mantra based on...
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Melodious Tambura of Delight: A Guide to Maratika Cave, Supreme Site of Immortality

Kyapje Chatral Rinpoche wrote this brief guide to the sacred Maratika cave at the request of his daughter, Semo Sarasvati. In a series of verses, he describes the significance of...
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Kyapje Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche

To Nourish Faith: A Brief Account of the Wisdom Deeds of Our Root Guru, the Omnipresent Sovereign Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Kyapjé Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche (b.1951) composed this short biography of his father, Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (1920–1996), following repeated requests from the khenpos, tulkus, vajra masters, and senior monks of...
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Kyapje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

A Garland of Vajra Words: A Prayer to the Guru

Kyapjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche invokes the eight manifestations of Guru Rinpoche (Guru Tsengye) by drawing on key lines from the famous Manjushri-Namasamgiti (Chanting the Names of Manjushri).
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All Wishes Swiftly Fulfilled: A Prayer to the Mahaguru of Uddiyana in Eight Chapters

This prayer to Guru Padmasambhava incorporates the twelve syllables of the Vajra Guru mantra, elaborating upon their meaning in different ways in each of the eight chapters.
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Blessed Amrita of Blue Lotus

A lesser known prayer to the lineage of the Profound Essence of Tara (Zaptik Drolchok), the practice of Green Tara which was revealed as a mind terma by Terchen Chokgyur...
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Light of Compassion: A Prayer to the Wisdom Dakinis

A prayer to invoke various wisdom dakinis, including Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, Arya Tara and Vajravarahi, in order to request their blessings and aid.
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The Sage who Dispels Mind’s Anguish: Advice from the Guru, the Gentle Protector Manjushri on the Means of Accomplishing the Yogas of Shamatha and Vipashyana

Kyapjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche adapted this teaching on shamatha and vipashyana from The White Lotus, Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche's supportive teaching (kyap chö) for the "Treasury of Blessings" sadhana of Buddha...
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The Sun of Ambrosial Wisdom: A Guru Yoga of Dharmaraja Sakya Pandita

Kyapjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche composed separate outer, inner and secret guru yoga practices with the great scholar, Sakya Pandita as their object. Here is the outer practice, complete with visualization,...
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The Vajra Sitar of Immortality: A Prayer for the Long Life of the Fourth Incarnation of Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa

A prayer for the longevity of Kyapjé Neten Chokling Rinpoche (b. 1973) incorporating the name Rigdzin Gyurme Dorje, which was given to Kyapjé Neten Chokling Rinpoche at his enthronement by...
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Kyapje Dudjom Rinpoche

A Brief Petitionary Offering to the Matrika Pukkasi, Local Protectress of the Jarung Kashor Stupa

A brief petitionary offering (sol chö) to the matrika Pukkasi, who is the local protectress of the sacred Jarung Kashor stupa in Boudha, Nepal.
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A Concise Lineage Prayer

A simple invocation of Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche's lineage masters, from the dharmakaya Padma Amitayus down to his own root teacher.
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A Daily Practice of Noble Lady Tara

A brief daily practice of Green Tara, composed at the request of Ngawang Palmo.
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A Daily Practice of Vajra Claw

This short daily sadhana of the wrathful dakini Vajra Claw (Vajranakhi, Dorje Dermo) includes a simple visualization and mantra recitation. According to the colophon, Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche extracted the practice...
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A Joyful Chariot for the Fortunate: An Aspiration to Travel to the Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory

Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche composed this prayer of aspiration to be reborn on the Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory, or Zangdok Palri, after his firstborn daughter, Semo Dekyong Yeshe Wangmo, had left...
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A Prayer to Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche composed this four-line supplication after he received the empowerments and transmissions for the Three Sections of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen Desum) from Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche in...
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A Short Prayer to the Abbot, the Master and the King

Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche composed this short prayer invoking the Abbot, Master and Dharma-King (Khen Lop Chö Sum), i.e., Abbot Shantarakshita, Guru Padmasambhava and Dharma King Trisong Detsen, at Samyé monastery...
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Condensed Daily Practice of The Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality

A brief daily practice of The Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality, or Chimé Phakmé Nyingtik, the popular long-life sadhana discovered as a mind treasure by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo...
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Divine Blue Water: A Contamination-Purifying Smoke Offering

Divine Blue Water (lhachap ngönmo) is a smoke offering (sang) ritual that functions as a remedy against ritual pollution (drip), specifically the form known as ‘contamination’ (nöl). The text is...
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Drumbeat of the Deathless Vajra: A Fervent Invocation and Prayer

Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche wrote this short prayer when he was engaged in long-life practice at Maratika cave in Nepal, the sacred site where Guru Rinpoche achieved immortality with his consort,...
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Remainder Torma Offering for Seven-Line Prayer Guru Yoga

A short remainder torma offering (lhaktor) liturgy composed at the request of Sakya Dakchen Rinpoche (1929–2016) as an addition to the feast offering (tshok chö) for Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche's famous...
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The Blazing Tower: A Daily Practice of Ushnisha-Sitatapatra

In this sadhana arranged for daily recitation, Kyapjé Dudjom Rinpoche synthesizes the visualizations of earlier Sitatapatra practices with the mantras and key passages from the dharani known as The Supreme...
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The Sublime Path to Immortality: The Quintessence of Profoundly Secret Pith Instructions on Attaining Vajra Longevity

A short daily practice for longevity focusing on Amitayus, which, in Kyapjé Düdjom Rinpoche's own words, distils "the many vast and profound longevity practices of the treasure tradition."
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Kyapje Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

A Daily Practice of the Kagyé

A short daily practice of Kagyé, the Eight Herukas.
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A Guru Yoga of Mahasiddha Shavari

While on pilgrimage through India in 1956, Kyapjé Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö meditated at the mahasiddha Shavari's meditation cave in the Sitavana (‘Cool Grove’) charnel ground near Bodhgaya, resulting in...
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A Prayer to the Three Stupas of Nepal

A prayer to the three main stupas of the Kathmandu Valley: Jarung Khashor or Boudha, Swayambhu, and Namo Buddha, which commemorates the bodhisattva Mahasattva's sacrifice to a starving tigress.
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A Short Guide to Yangleshö in Nepal

This is a poetic guide to the sacred site of Yangleshö near the village of Pharping to the south of the Kathmandu Valley, where it is said that Guru Padmasambhava...
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Guru Yoga Based on the Dü Sum Sangyé Prayer

This practice unites the recitation of the famous Dü Sum Sangyé Prayer with a corresponding visualization of the four main forms of Guru Padmasambhava according to the Chokling Tersar’s Four...
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How to Recite the Dharanisutra of Amitayus

A short 'means of recitation' (lakthap), providing additional prayers and practices to be chanted before and after the root text of the Sutra of Boundless Life and Wisdom.
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The Accomplishment of Supreme Enlightened Activity: A Recitation Manual for The Vajrakilaya Root Tantra Section

Kyapjé Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö wrote this recitation guide (lagtap) for the Vajrakilaya Root Tantra Section (Phurba Tsadum) at the request of his master of ceremonies, Lama Chokden.
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The Extremely Secret Unelaborate Daily Sadhana for the Heart Practice of the Great Demon-Slayer

A short daily practice of Guru Dükyi Shechen—The Great Demon-Slayer—from the Tukdrup Barche Kunsel (‘Dispelling All Obstacles’) cycle of the Chokling Tersar.
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The Unifying Practice of the Prayer

This practice unites the recitation of the famous Dü Sum Sangyé Prayer with a corresponding visualization of the four main forms of Guru Padmasambhava according to the Chokling Tersar’s Four...
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The Vajra Words Unveiled: A Commentary on the Düsum Sangyé Prayer to the Guru

In this brief commentary, Kyapjé Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö reveals the outer or literal, inner or hidden and secret or ultimate layers of meaning in the famous Düsum Sangyé or...
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Kyapje Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche

Luminous Clouds of Spontaneous Song: A Prayer to Call the Guru from Afar

Kyapjé Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche wrote this song of "calling the guru from afar" (lama jangwö) to accompany the Ultimate Guru Sadhana of Simplicity (Drömé Dönkyi Lhadrup) composed by Kyapjé Tulku...
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Kyapje Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche

A Concise Guru Sadhana of My Sublime Father, Karma Urgyen Tsewang Chokdrup Pelbar

A concise guru yoga focusing on Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and composed by his son, Kyapjé Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche.
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The Concise Excellent Vase of Jewels: A Wealth Practice of Kyechok Tsülzang

This practice invokes Lama Norlha as Kyechok Tsülzang, the third of Guru Padmasambhava’s twelve emanations according to the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel mandala. Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé created a sadhana from...
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Kyapje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Chants for Teaching Sessions

A brief compilation of chants for the beginning and end of Dharma teachings which Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche arranged in accordance with the tradition.
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Chants for the Meditation Session

A concise collection of chants for the beginning and end of meditation sessions, arranged by Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche in accordance with tradition.
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Concise Tukdrup Ngöndro

The concise preliminary practices (ngöndro) for Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa's most renowned treasure cycle, "The Guru's Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles" (Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel), arranged by Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen...
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In Praise of the Hidden Valley of Kyimolung

Having spent parts of his life in the hidden valley (beyul) of Kyimolung in Nubri, Nepal, Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche composed this eulogy in praise of its sacred landscape.
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The Ultimate Guru Sadhana of Simplicity

Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche has authored a singular composition, a Guru Yoga entitled the Ultimate Guru Sadhana of Simplicity (Trömé Lhadrub), that encapsulates the very essence of the Great Perfection...
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Metrul Tendzin Gyatso

A River Filled with the Amrita of Love: A Liturgy for Saving and Releasing the Lives of Animals

A simple practice of 'freeing lives' (tsethar) compiled from the writings of Ju Mipham and the First Dodrupchen Jikme Trinle Özer.
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Minling Khenchen Ngawang Khyentse Norbu

Clarifying the Profound Meaning: A Concise Commentary on the Final Testament in Four Lines

A brief explanation of the famous final testament of Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje (1646–1714) that is commonly recited as an aspiration.
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Neten Chokling Ngedön Drubpe Dorje

Vast Clouds of Samantabhadra’s Display: A Ritual of Worship to Delight the Teacher, his Eight Heart-Sons, and their Retinue

A ritual for paying homage to the Buddha and eight main bodhisattvas as a means of generating bodhicitta. The text belongs to The Great Compassionate One, Lotus Ushnisa (Tukje Chenpo...
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Neten Chokling Pema Gyurme

Enjoining Mahadeva to Activity

Two short prayers from the Chokling Tersar tradition to accompany offerings to Mahādeva and consort, who are associated with the activity of magnetizing.
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Ngakchang Shakya Zangpo

Liberation Upon Hearing: The History of the Great Jarung Kashor Stupa

In this famous history of the sacred stupa of Boudha, Guru Padmasambhava recounts the stupa's origins. In response to a request from King Trisong Detsen, he tells how a humble...
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Nyala Pema Dündul

Eradicating Downfalls by Reciting the Names of the Buddhas: The Swift Path to Complete Awakening in a Single Instant

This practice of invoking and paying homage to various buddhas is said to be a powerful means of purifying obscurations and accumulating merit, tantamount to reciting the Kangyur in its...
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Nyangral Nyima Özer

A Prayer Recalling the Life and Liberation of the Precious Master Padmasambhava

This prayer in 26 verses recounts the major events of the life of Guru Padmasambhava, from his miraculous birth upon a lotus to his final departure from Tibet for the...
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Orgyen Lingpa

A Concise History of Orgyen Padma’s Enlightened Deeds

This revelation of Orgyen Lingpa, discovered at Samye Chimpu, provides a brief account of Guru Padmasambhava's life and deeds. Each of its sixteen chapters describes eight features, beginning with Guru...
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Ratna Lingpa

A Prayer to Padmasambhava

A four-line prayer to Guru Padmasambhava, which Ratna Lingpa received during a visionary journey to Zangdokpalri, the Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory.
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Cloud Banks of Blessings: A Prayer Recounting the Eleven Deeds of the Life and Liberation of the Guru from Uddiyana

A prayer to Guru Rinpoche recounting eleven significant deeds in his life: 1) forming the enlightened intention to tame beings, 2) descending into the lotus flower, 3) spontaneously taking birth,...
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The Invocation of Uddiyana on the Tenth Day

In this brief treasure text, Padmasambhava prophesies the many ways in which he will reveal himself to disciples in the future. He encourages his students to pray to him continually...
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Rikdzin Jikme Lingpa

The Kalavinka’s Call: A Guide to Glorious Samye Chimphu

A short historical guide to the sacred place of Samye Chimpu, where Guru Padmasambhava taught and granted empowerments to his twenty-five disciples, who then meditated in the surrounding caves and...
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Rikdzin Jikme Nüden Dorje

A Prayer to the Precious Guru from Uddiyana That Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes

This popular Sampa Lhundrupma prayer to Guru Padmasambhava was revealed as a terma by Dzongter Kunzang Nyima, alias Rikdzin Jikme Nüden Dorje, the grandson and speech incarnation of Dudjom Lingpa...
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Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen

The Ganachakra Ritual

This short text by Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen (1182–1251) explains ganachakra practice from the Sakya perspective according to the traditions of the Hevajra and Chakrasamvara tantras. It is among the...
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Sangye Lingpa

Princess Lhacham Mandarava’s Prayer

This devotional appeal to Guru Padmasambhava by one of his main consorts, Lhacham Mandarava of Zahor, is adapted from The Golden Garland Chronicles (Kathang Sertrengwa) revealed by Sangye Lingpa (1340–1396).
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Seventh Riwoche Jedrung, Jampa Jungne

Concise Mahamudra Preliminary Practice from the New and Old Secret Mantra’s Ripening and Liberating Practices of Generation and Completion

A brief Taklung Kagyü preliminary, or ngöndro, that focuses on Vajradhara, the great Indian siddhas, and the masters of the Taklung Kagyü tradition.
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Luminous Bindu: A Guru Sadhana of the Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas

Jedrung Jampa Jungné composed this guru sadhana following a vision of the ḍakini Kadali. It involves a self-visualisation of Cakrasaṃvara and a front-visualisation of Vajradhara surrounded by the Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas.
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Streams of Sapphire: A Prayer to the Eighty-Four Mahasiddhas

Following a vision of the dakini Kadali, Jedrung Jampa Jungné composed this prayer that invokes all eighty-four Mahasiddhas and accompanies the guru yoga sadhana known as Luminous Bindu.
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Shechen Gyaltsap Gyurme Pema Namgyal

A Clear, Concise and Simple Explanation of the Generation and Completion Stages for the Benefit of Beginners

This pithy text provides beginners with a clear, comprehensible explanation of kyerim, or the generation stage, including all the most important points of practice, such as the three samadhis, four...
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Situ Panchen Chökyi Jungne

Instructions on the Fivefold Mahamudra

This concise commentary draws from the tradition of Fivefold Mahamudra teachings passed down from Pakmodrupa Dorjé Gyelpo to Drikung Kyobpa Jikten Sumgön, and thus especially emphasized within the Drikung Kagyü...
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Tai Situ Pema Dönyö Nyinje

The Wish-Fulfilling King of Great Might: A Universally Beneficial Prayer, Aspiration, and Supplication to the Three Jewels and Three Roots

Brief verses of prayer invoking Buddha Shakyamuni, Prajñaparamita, Avalokiteshvara, Guru Padmasambhava, Vajrasattva, and the protector Bernakchen, together with their mantras, composed for daily recitation or use on special occasions.
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Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa

A Concise and Essential Offering Ritual for the Guardians of the Doctrine from The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Guru Heart-Practice

A brief offering to the treasure guardians (terung chöpa) for "The Guru’s Heart Practice, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel" (Tukdrup Yizhin Norbu) revelation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
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A Concise Guru Yoga

This concise guru yoga centers around the famous prayer to Guru Padmasambhava known as "The Prayer in Six Vajra Lines", or Dü Sum Sangye, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa's own terma revelation....
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A Prayer of Aspiration for the Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory

A four-line prayer to be reborn on the Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory, or Zangdok Palri, in the company of Guru Padmasambhava and his retinue.
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A Shower of Precious Blessings

A Shower of Precious Blessings (Jinlap Norbu Drucha) is a collection of thirty-five prayers by the Great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa, composed at the request of various disciples on...
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Advice on Nonsectarianism (from Radiant Sunlight of the Victorious Ones’ Teachings: A Brief, First-Hand Account of the Liberating Life-Story of the Great Emanated Treasure Revealer)

In an address to disciples, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa sets out a vision of nonsectarianism, in which he emphasizes the commonality of traditions and decries the divisiveness that periodically plagues Tibet...
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Exquisite Melody of the Auspicious Tambura: A Depiction of the Profound Treasure Revelations at Chimé Karmo Taktsang Rockface and Yumtso Lake with Brief Captions

Chokgyur Lingpa's first-hand account of the treasure revelations of "The Essential Sacred Dharma in Five Cycles" (Damchö Nyingpo Khornga), The Gradual Path of Wisdom Essence (Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo), and The...
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Extracting the Elixir of Great Bliss

As part of the Three Roots of the Sevenfold Cycle of Profundity Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa revealed the following practice of Guru Dewa Chenpo. Supplementing the root treasure text with further...
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Four Pieces of Advice

In these four short lines, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa encapsulates, as the colophon reveals, the four qualities that all contemporary tantric practitioners should have.
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Melody to Delight the Fortunate: A Brief History of the Treasure Revelations of the Awakened Emanation, the Great Tertön Chokgyur Lingpa

A brief history of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa's treasure (terma) revelations from when he was thirteen until he was thirty-three years old as recounted by the tertön himself in either 1860...
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Pithy Advice on Checking One’s Progress on the Path

Composed for the sixth Drikung Chungtsang, Könchok Tenzin Chökyi Lodrö (1801–1859), this short text offers straightforward advice on measuring one's progress on the Dharma path.
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Radiant Sunlight of the Victors’ Teachings: A Brief, First-Hand Account of the Liberating Life-Story of the Great Emanated Treasure Revealer

This short autobiography, composed in verse, covers the main events in the great treasure-revealer’s life from 1829, the year of his birth, until 1865, which was five years before he...
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Spontaneous Accomplishment of the Fourfold Activity That Bestows the Splendour of the Two Siddhis: A Sadhana of Noble Gesar, Accomplisher of All Aims

Chokgyur Lingpa revealed this Gesar practice on the 25th day of the Monkey month in the Fire Rabbit year (1867) following a pure vision. The Second Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche, Könchok...
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The Chariot of Altruism

The Dredger of the Lower Realms’ Depths (Ngensong Dongtruk) constitutes the Sambhogakaya practice from the Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles (Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel). The sadhana is a...
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The Concise Manual for Daily Practice from The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles

Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa revealed "The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles" (Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel) on the tenth day of the ninth month in the Earth Monkey year (1848)....
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The Concise Smoke Offering from The Guru’s Heart Practice: Dispelling All Obstacles on the Path

Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa revealed this concise smoke offering practice (sang chö) as part of the famous cycle known as "The Guru's Heart Practice: Dispelling All Obstacles on the Path"...
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The Condensed, Essential Hayagriva Visualization and Mantra Recitation

Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa revealed this brief Red Hayagriva sadhana in 1856. It is part of the Magnetizing Profundity of Hayagriva, which, in turn, belongs to The Sevenfold Profundity (Zabpa Khordün)...
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The Confession of Downfalls from the Great Compassionate One’s Lotus Ushnisa

This treasure text invoking the Thirty-Five Buddhas of Confession was revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa as part of the cycle of The Great Compassionate One, Lotus Ushnisa (Tukje Chenpo Pema...
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The Essential Amrita of Profound Meaning

The Essential Amrita of Profound Meaning is a collection of twenty-four pieces of heart advice that the Great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa gave upon the request of various disciples...
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The Guru Yoga of Blessings from the Seven Pith Instructions of Distilled Awakened Wisdom

On the tenth day of the Monkey month in the Fire Dragon year (12 July 1856) at Yegyel Namkha Dzö, Chokgyur Lingpa revealed The Guru Yoga of Blessings (Jinlap Lamé...
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The Secret Practice of Dorje Draktsal According to the Trio of the Guru’s Heart Practices

Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa revealed the secret cycle of The Heart Practice of Mighty Vajra Wrath (Tukdrup Dorje Draktsal) from Yegyal Namkha Dzö. This particular Guru Draktsal sadhana is regarded as...
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The Single-Page Practice of the Guru of Great Bliss

This concise practice of Guru Dewa Chenpo (Guru Dewa Chenpo), the Guru of Great Bliss, was revealed as a terma by Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa and transcribed by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö...
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The Smoke Offering for Sengchen Norbu Dradül

A simple text to accompany the offering of fragrant incense smoke (sang) to Gesar Sengchen Norbu Dradül, Great Lion Jewel, Tamer of Foes.
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The Wish-Fulfilling Tree: The Life Story of the Master of Uddiyana as found in Padmasambhava’s Sevenfold Cycle of Profundity

At the age of twenty-eight, on Saga Dawa Düchen (the Festival of Vaishakha) in the Fire Dragon Year (May 19, 1856), at the sacred site of Akanishta Karma in Tibet,...
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Threefold Aspiration for Rebirth in Zangdok Palri

Three interrelated aspirations for rebirth in Zangdok Palri, the Copper-Colored Mountain pureland of Guru Rinpoche, from the perspectives of the cause (or ground), path, and fruition.
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White and Red Sur Offerings That Are Very Easy to Apply

A practice of white and red sur (sur), or 'burnt offering', revealed by Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa.
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Terse Gyrume Tsewang Drakpa

A Devotional Song

A brief prayer invoking Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, composed by the Great Tertön's eldest son, Tersé Gyurme Tsewang Drakpa.
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Concise Feast Offering for the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes

A simple feast-offering liturgy to facilitate the accumulation of tsok offerings by means of The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Guru Heart-Practice, Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes (Lamé Tukdrup Yizhin Norbu Sampa Lhundrupma).
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Tertön Rangrik Dorje

An Extremely Concise Barché Lamsel—The Prayer for Clearing Obstacles from the Path

This very short prayer to Guru Padmasambhava, for 'clearing obstacles from the path' (Barche Lamsel) was composed by the treasure-revealer Rangrik Dorje of Nyarong.
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An Extremely Concise Sampa Lhundrup—Prayer that Spontaneously Fulfils All Wishes

This very short prayer to Guru Padmasambhava, for 'spontaneously fulfilling all wishes (Sampa Lhundrup) was composed by the treasure-revealer Rangrik Dorje of Nyarong.
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The Seven Lines that Dispel All Obstacles and Enfold All Profundity

A seven-line prayer to Guru Padmasambhava for the elimination of all obstacles and the fulfillment of all wishes.
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The Spontaneous Fulfillment of All Wishes

This brief invocation, composed at the request of government officials, calls upon Guru Padmasambhava to remember his pledge to come to the aid of Tibet and its people.
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The Wish-Fulfilling Tree: A Prayer to the All-Embodying Lama Tsokye Dorje

A brief prayer to Guru Tsokye Dorje—'Lake-Born Vajra'—for the elimination of all obstacles on the spiritual path.
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Victory Over All Adversity: A Prayer to Invoke Guru Rinpoche’s Wisdom for the Swift Fulfilment of Wishes

A brief prayer to Guru Padmasambhava for protection against adversity and the fulfillment of all wishes.
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Tertön Sogyal Lerap Lingpa

A Synopsis of the Vajra-Guru Mantra

This succinct explanation of the Vajra-Guru mantra places special emphasis on the various meanings of the ‘vajra name’ by which Guru Padmasambhava is invoked, i.e., Vajra Guru Padma.
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Tokden Shakya Shri

A Shower of Blessings: A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer (Addendum)

This arrangement of Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche's famous Shower of Blessings Guru Yoga practice adds opening verses of refuge and bodhicitta, a torma offering to the obstructing forces, visualization of the...
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Trinle Drodul Lerap Dewa Tsel

A Prayer Recounting the Lives and Liberation of the Exalted Dakini Mandarava

This prayer, which recounts Lhacham Mandarava’s lives and liberation, forms the 37th chapter of Trinle Drodul Lerap Dewa Tsel’s famous terma biography of Lhacham Mandarava.
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Trulzhik Adeu Rinpoche

Windhorse Practice of Tara

A simple invocation of Tara in various forms—White, Yellow, Red, Blue and Green—as a means to increase windhorse and perfect different forms of enlightened activity.
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Tsele Natsok Rangdrol

Sweet Droplets of the Honey of Accomplishment

In this brief guide, Tsele Natsok Rangdrol explains the essence of the feast-gathering, its literal meaning and various types, as well as how to practise it, and the benefits to...
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Yeshe Dorje

Prayer to the Lineage of Lumorap

A prayer invoking the lineage masters of Apsé Lumorap, a Nyingma monastery in Nyarong, founded by Tertön Rangrik Dorjé in 1896. The monastery shares a close connection with Mindroling. Supplementary...
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Zhikpo Lingpa

The Sadhana of the Five Self-Arisen Noble Brothers: An Instruction in the Union of Generation and Completion

Revealed during a vision in 1557, this is a sadhana of the Five Self-Arisen Avalokiteshvara Brothers (Phakpa Rangchön Chenga). These are four ancient statues associated with King Songtsen Gampo, i.e.,...
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