༈ ཐུགས་སྒྲུབ་བར་ཆད་ཀུན་སེལ་གྱི་སྔོན་འགྲོ།

Tukdrub Ngöndro

revealed by Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa and arranged by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

The Preliminary Practices encapsulated in the Tibetan term Ngöndro, wield profound and potent methods to cleanse and transform every facet of our existence. These practices not only serve as a preparatory stage for the profound journey within Vajrayana and the teachings of the Great Perction (Dzokchen) but also guide the practitioner progressively towards the realm of enlightenment. In essence, Ngöndro acts as a transformative crucible, facilitating deep purification and paving the way for spiritual awakening across all levels of our being.

The following booklet contains the concise and elaborate Ngöndro practices for Chokgyur Lingpa’s most renowned treasure cycle: The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles (Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel). According to Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoché, “It is the quintessence of a billion guru heart sadhanas, the most unique terma buried in the land of Tibet.” In the mandala of The Dispeller of All Obstacles, Guru Padmasambhava appears surrounded by his twelve emanations, each with their own unique and profound teachings and practices. The outer practice of Barché Künsel is the guru’s heart practice that clears away all hindrances, thus actualizing the siddhis.

The first liturgy, The Concise Preliminary Practices, was arranged by Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. The elaborate Ngöndro practice was arranged by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and then further adapted by Tersé Tsewang Norbu and Karmé Khenpo Rinchen Dargyé.

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