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Concise Sampa Lhundrup with Feast Gathering

reveaeld by Terchen Chokgyur Dechen Zhikpo Lingpa

On the tenth day of the tenth month (November 16, 1858), Chokgyur Lingpa along with Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo revealed The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes (Sampa Lhündrup) from Drak Rinchen Barwa (Blazing Jewel Cliff). Along with the Sampa Lhündrup, the tertöns revealed the guru representative statue known as Guru Kutsap Ngödrup Palbar (Glorious Blaze of Siddhis). The Guru Kutsap Ngödrup Palbar is the most sacred representative statue of Guru Padmasambhava; even someone who has committed one of the five inexpiable evil deeds will be liberated upon seeing it.

The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence (Lamrim Yeshé Nyingpo) outlines The Four Cycles of Guru Yoga (Ladrup Korzhi), namely Barché Künsel, Sampa Lhündrup, Tsokyé Nyingtik and Guru Draktsal. Among these, in the inner practice of The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes (Sampa Lhündrup), Guru Rinpoché appears in a standing posture—ready to act—surrounded by his twelve emanations. In this form, the Mahaguru grants practitioners protection from all calamities. He guards us against conflict, disease, poverty, obstacle-makers, vicious animals, disturbances of the four natural elements, robbers, sudden death, the intermediate state, clinging to reality, and the sufferings of the six classes of beings.

The following arrangement includes the Concise Sampa Lhundrup Sadhana, along with brief lineage and dedications prayers, and The Sampa Lhündrup Feast Offering Liturgy (tsok). It was initially compiled under Phakchok Rinpoche’s guidance for the purpose of making 100,000 feast offerings (referred to as a tsok bum) at the Asura Cave in Pharping, Nepal, the site where Guru Padmasambhava realize the supreme siddhi of mahamudra with his Newar consort Belmo Shakyadevi.

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